
Iar arm warning
Iar arm warning

Run IAR EW for ARM V6.4.


Perhaps this is worth a bug report/feature request to IAR Systems, since it seems to be a discrepancy between their two products. Patch IAR EW for ARM V6.4.20 or later, to make it compatible with OpenSDA Debug Copy the content of the folder development tool patchesIARpatchv110patch from the FRDM-KL25Zv1.00 zip file in the directory Embedded Workbench patharmbin 4. I'm a bit disappointed that I was unable to come up with a solution that works in a cross platform way that could be substituted in for the NOT_USED macro you showed, especially since that works for the C compiler. This family of compilers was previously supported only in the CLMonitor.exe utility on. Support of the IAR Arm compilers is now available in the pvs-studio-analyzer utility. Note that I have not tried this macro on a non-IAR compiler, but I'm reasonably certain that it will not interfere successfully in that case. If such warnings were previously suppressed in the suppress files, these warnings may appear again in the analyzer report - such messages will need to be suppressed again. #define NOT_USED(var_declaration) var_declaration If you do want a macro form, you need to use the operator expression form for pragmas which allow you to embed a pragma inside a macro expansion, for example: #include ARM-JTAG-EW behaves just like IAR J-Link, provided that the original IAR-EW jlinkarm.dll is replaced by ARM-JTAG-EWs one. I tried for a little bit to come up with a more cross platform solution, but nothing was coming to mind right away. Using ARM-JTAG-EW with IAR-EW 5.30 ARM Using ARM-JTAG-EW under IAR-EW is straightforward. It can't be applied in quite the same manner as the NOT_USED macro you defined, which is unfortunate. There is a pragma that can be used to turn off that warning, but it has to be applied to the declaration of the offending variable. The only solution I found for the time being was referenced over in some Renesas documentation that specifically refers to the IAR C++ compiler.

Iar arm warning